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The Official Top Tens Topic


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Offline douglas

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #630 on: October 16, 2008, 07:38:49 pm »
yse, Rolkopop, Starly/Pidgey/Spearow/Taillow fad?

Kooky the Badgerowl? >_>


Man that reminds me, what was that horrific long name I had before that began with VLAAD
I do believe what happened was during the time you had Kooky the Badgerowl, a couple people (including me) said the name was cute and in response you changed it to VLAAD THE CANNIBALISTIC AVATAR OF SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH.

Also Quartz I do believe a prime example would be all of Adv2. Scalping and shit.

Not so much; there's still time involved in getting those and just doing the scalping doesn't guarantee you getting the record.  A great example were it not now banned would be S1GG Bridge Zone.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 07:44:03 pm by douglas »
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #631 on: October 17, 2008, 12:29:19 pm »
Disclaimer: While SpinballWizard isn't deaf or blind, the site's higher-ups know he does have a supple wrist.  And how he got it.
No capital w damnit. Also fu.

Also I don't have a PS3.

Also re: RPG's hey dude catchphrase -- You totally forgot the word filter that was put into place for it; wasn't it SOMEBODY SMACK ME IN THE FACE WITH A TIRE IRON :) ?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 12:35:00 pm by Spinballwizard »
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #632 on: October 17, 2008, 04:26:09 pm »
[Because RPG Douglas is a douche, we're delaying the posting of today's top 10's until tomorrow.

Don't worry, though, there will be something extra to go along with it!


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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #633 on: October 18, 2008, 12:05:13 pm »
Edit: better late than never, tomorrow's Top Ten is . . . Top Ten Points Whore Records!
*cough* <_<
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #634 on: October 18, 2008, 02:04:42 pm »
Edit: better late than never, tomorrow's Top Ten is . . . Top Ten Points Whore Records!
*cough* <_<
More like *COUGH*
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #635 on: October 18, 2008, 03:05:17 pm »
A point whore record, huh? 

Is this like scalping for points or people who will play a level over and over and over just to finally get a really good point rec for it?

If it's the former, I vote HT to be put up there...

If the latter, I vote M1
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #636 on: October 18, 2008, 04:21:05 pm »
7. Top Ten Points Whore Records
Being the best at TSC shouldn't be easy, these are the elites performing at the far reach of their faculties and the limitations of the game itself to submit optimized charts. Courting ought take care, planning, a charming personality, and attention so that when you take that record home for some piping Hot Coffee, you feel like you've earned it. However, some of the records on this site are less, shall we say, scrupulous then others. Here we celebrate the free love and wonderful body magic of these ego-stroking stats of generosity.

10. Sonic Adventure DX - Emerald Coast/Hot Shelter - Rings (Big)
Sonic Team knows what we, as gamers, really want - to waddle about as a formless, gormless purple blob.  Sod the speed, sod the excitement, let's fucking fish! To claim tops for these charts, you don't need to do much (just look at this video for Hot Shelter). These two Big levels were selected because there aren't even any '?' just have to take a leisurely stroll through the level, don't walk into coconuts, try not to drown, and don't reel in your line like you're on speed to become number one.  Catching Froggy himself is the hardest part of the mission, though owing the tipsy camera and blocky controls this makes it a cut above in difficulty compared to some of these rather girlfriendly entries.

9. Sonic & Knuckles - Hidden Palace Zone - Rings
As either Sonic (43 rings) or Tails (73 rings), this level is a cinch.  It's the size of a shoebox, with no enemies!  Well, except for some poncy pink echidna, but he's a pushover.  Honestly, it takes a certain breed of failure to not trounce this fool without damage. My blind, deaf grandfather beat him without taking a hit...and he's been cremated for 10 years.
To prove how simple it is, Douglas recorded two perfect runs himself, to be uploaded shortly.  I know you're not as awesome as him, but even so it ought be enough for you to follow.  For those who aren't in the 23 out of 27 (Sonic) or 21 out of 25 (Tails) people who've already done it, anyways...

8. Sonic 2 GG - Sky High 2 - Times
It's . . . not a rings stat!  This was once a pretty competitive record, until Sprint came along and ruined its life with his sadistic, sexual savagery.  Why did you do it, Sprint?  What did these innocent levels ever do to deserve it? *wipes away a tear*
Anyway, being Sprint it is of course on video - if you thought some of the new handheld games should be called "Press Right Adventure", you'll see that the Game Gear games are more deserving entries.  10 of the 20 players for this level have tied up this record (helped by the imprecise counter, which truncates times to seconds), so it stands as 8-bit TAing's best example for this category.

7. Sonic 1 - Final Zone - Times - 1:13
Anyone who's played this game competitively has this one down (at the time of writing 65 different competitors have it).  There are a couple of straightforward tricks to this gem (standing in the middle makes it easier to avoid the orbs, and hitting Buttnik late to avoid him being slow the last time), and 1:14 isn't really that terrible, so it's not higher up up this list.  Anyone slower than 1:14, though (CF!), should be ashamed of themselves.
SM's Sonic 1 - Final Zone Video
Also if Robotnik's so smart why doesn't he just have all four fire at once?  And why does he feel like he has to stand in the pistons, anyway?  He's too much of an evil genius to not realize the consequences of his actions, so could it be that secretly, he wants to fail? Perhaps Sonic Team is making profound points on humanity's self-destructive nature, why have we embraced a psychology of destruction? Why can't everywhere be like Chemical Plant or Scrap Brain zone, do we have to resign ourselves to letting nature defeat us?!

6. Sonic Adventure DX - Final Egg - Rings (Gamma)
There are no obstacles or enemies least Big's entry in this chart had some coconuts that you could "accidentally" walk into. Losing rings in this chart is impossible, what's going to hit you in this?  As long as you can remember to get the 10-ring boxes and don't, say, fall asleep while playing and have a time over, this one's so easy that even a completely incompetent 3D player could get it.  Unfortunately Douglas can't be bothered to install his copy of SADX on his new PC (and nobody is to mention his current stat), so just watch this vid of, by far, the easiest 3D record to get on the site. Or save time, and just look at a picture that shows the same thing:

5. Sonic Rush - Scores (Bosses) - Sonic/Blaze
Rush is a great example of a competitive game - there's a ton of good competition across all divisions.  I mean yeah, some of the special stages are maxable, and a good chunk of the spread in rings is down to ? boxes, but overall it's been a roaring success for a recent game.  There is one element that does qualify for this Top Ten, however - Boss Scores.  Why?  Well, if you have a pulse and can beat the bosses without getting hit, you have the record.  If you don't believe me, you're a tool and should  check the chart...with that many ties, this category has to make it.

4. Sonic Rush Adventure - Scores - All
The vast majority of this chart is maxable using the following strategy (courtesy of Thorn): go fast, get rings, mash buttons for points and to stay near invincible.  Which, to be honest, sounds exactly like normal SRA gameplay.  If we discount the extra stages (sea stages, emeralds and whatnot, which are slightly more interesting), you can get 5.6 sitewide points for racking all of these up - just ask sonicandamy, they're all he's done.

3. Sonic Chaos - Rings - All
8-bit rings tallies are usually pretty simple - short and typically simple levels, none of the difficult doubling-back stuff, and definitely no damned ? boxes.  With 10 players having a 0-points leadership, Sonic Chaos is the best example of this, particularly as PPA has taken the trouble to video them all - and maxing them out gets you about 7 sitewide points.
Oh, and if you need more convincing, Gerbil is one of the 0-points leaders.

2. Sonic 1 - Rings - Almost All
Yeah, so Star Light 1 and Scrap Brain 3 are bitches, but just look at the number of people with records in this division; it's a damn slaughter, it's about 13 sitewide points for the taking, and what's more every level save Scrap Brain 3 has the record . . . err . . . recorded.

1. Sonic 3D Blast - Rings - All
Okay, Diamond Dust 1 with that stupid jump to get the extra ring is irritating.  Fine, whacking the bosses while keeping hold of all your rings can be a bit tedious.  And yeah, there's a lot of levels to get through, so it takes patience and planning.  In fact, getting all of these isn't anything like as easy as some of the ones that have come below it in this category.  However, with 22 out of 57 players sharing a zero-point leadership, and with that leadership gifting competitors around 20 sitewide points, these give the most reward for the least effort, and that makes them worthy of their place atop this list. Reverential swooning, please.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Top 10's double feature-"Top 10 Fads" and "Top 10 Comments"!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 11:48:06 am by douglas »


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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #637 on: October 18, 2008, 07:03:31 pm »
1. Sonic 3D Blast - Rings - All
I hate you both.  >_<
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #638 on: October 18, 2008, 07:05:44 pm »
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
* Pidgey shot for Vader quote
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #639 on: October 18, 2008, 07:49:15 pm »
I do not shoot, I stab...

Also, I'd like to make the comment that, with the exception of the SRA rec, My first re-enterance stats nearly all fall into the above category ^_^
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #640 on: October 19, 2008, 07:43:49 am »
I have to say, that is the most obvious #1 once you know what the category means.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #641 on: October 19, 2008, 02:31:33 pm »
But DANG.  That leaves only 12 of my records left....
And on investigation, when did I lose my Metropolis 1 score record?!?!  Dang, I'll need to fix that....  <_<
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #642 on: October 19, 2008, 08:54:14 pm »
I knew top 10 fads would show up somewhere!

Mafia better be #1!
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #643 on: October 20, 2008, 06:34:25 am »
zomg moar late (posting now to keep some momentum up)

 6. Top Ten 10 Comments
As we all know, when submitting your latest awesome stat you can accompany it with a comment, wherein you can express your pride in your achievement, encourage others to try to emulate you, share strats and so on.  Of course, you can also put in funny, random or downright wierd stuff in there too, which is just as well really because without that this Top Ten wouldn't exist.

10. SaviourDC - Sonic Adventure 2 - Metal Harbour Mission 1 - me very fast uh I think
me very fail uh I think

9. CosmicFalcon- Sonic 1 - Green Hill 1 - You want noobdom I'll give you noobdom. Noobs
CF got a 25s GH1 stat, and therefore assumed that everyone else who'd got it was a noob.  Which is fair enough, really; anyone who's like CF in any way is obviously a noob. It's too bad for CF that all the pros have 24 now, though.  Well, not really...this shows CF for the noob he is.  And that goes for the rest of you; if you haven't got a 24s GH1, you're not in Doug's Book Of Awesome (not that any of you are getting in there anyway >_>).

8. James_Bertolli - Sonic 1 - Green Hill 2 - mmmbouncy
Wait what - someone other than CF talking about bouncy?  ...Oh, wait. -That- kind of bouncy,  you may proceed.  Actually, this comment would be particularly apt for GH3, since all you do is bounce off shit and land on Robotnik.  But hey, GH2 works too.

7. Bertin - Sonic CD - Collision Chaos 1 - DONT TEST ME
Bertin has a ton of comments ranging from the inane ("You think you was on NBA Jam, you hear that choppa go Blakka-ga-blakka, Boom-shakka-laka-laka") to the insane ("Push the pool stick in ya new crib same hand that ya hoop with swing around like you stupid"), but this one made me chuckle most. The first image I got in my head was of him cowering from a doctor's needle, screaming like a baby because 1) he doesn't like the big scary needle, and 2) he doesn't want anyone to find out about his horribly debilitating condition. Of course, that's just me being silly and this is clearly meant in a threatening context - which is even funnier, because as we all know Bertin is in fact a bear and it's not possible to be intimidated by Pooh's long-lost cousin.

6. DarkChaos4 - Sonic Adventure 2 - City Escape Mission 1 - no vid. to back it up but i swear on the holy bible i got this time.
Shakespeare once wrote "the lady doth protest too much, methinks".  There's a few instances throughout the charts of pre-emptive denial - which is of course enough to make us suspicious in the first place - but none so emphatic as this beauty.  I hope you really aren't BSing DarkChaos4 - Hell's an awful unpleasant place.  Although you're going there anyway for forgetting to capitalise "Holy Bible".  If we could mass produce a device capable of inflicting incredible pain over the internet for grammatical errors and overcharge, then we would become a global force.

5. Rolken - Sonic 2 - Hill Top 2 - Thanks lava.
Zomg Rolken plays games?  Well yeah actually, and he also discovered an awesome shortcut on this level whereby you could glitch yourself through the lava and skip a large chunk of the level.  Though he has now been surpassed by others using his strat more effectively than he possibly could, this one serves as a testament to the fact that Rolkopops is damn knowledgeable about the games, can play a bit, and can write quotable comments.  Go go gadget Rolko!

4. Xero - Sonic 1 - Green Hill 2 - I did not slow down or stop. How are there better records?
Xero's stat for this is 24 seconds; the record is 10 seconds faster.  It also requires insane timing and knowledge of the strat - like much of what happens at TSC.  I picked this comment because I completely sympathise with the sentiment; when I first joined the site, I was proud of my 29 second GH1(I remember the UK TV series GamesMaster running a competition on it where they set the 'world record' at 30s, so I felt really special about that one), only to be flabbergasted by the many many many many many many many many many many many people who'd got 25 (and then later 24).
That is, of course, the magic of TSC-no matter how good you think you are at something, 20 people do it better.

3. Cream147 - Sonic Adventure 2 - Prison Lane Mission 1 - This site would not run without average runs like this and average players like me
Cream, that is so true.  We love you very much, as we do everyone who takes part in our grand adventure.  Everyone is important, everyone is special, everyone contributes.
But, don't think that this excuses you from the mocking that everyone else has to tolerate. On to my acid barbs! You suck.

2. PsyBorg - Sonic 3D Blast - All Boss Rings - this calls for SERIOUS COMPETITION
As we have already learned, 3D Blast rings are the ultimate in whores records - easy to get, with an disproportionately large payoff, with the Boss charts particularly culpable  That's why I love this deliciously ironic comment, and the needless caps abuse is just the icing on the cake.  PsyBorg, I think I love you.  In a completely platonic, friendship kinda way.  Maybe if I got really drunk one day, something could happen between us, but as it stands I just want to hang out with you some more. No, really, I know what you're thinking, but until we add alcohol a friendly manhug is as far as this would go.

1. SadisticMystic - Sonic Adventure 2 - Wild Canyon Mission 5 - Haven't I broken enough levels to hell already?
This is obviously a rhetorical question, because he has.

Note to everyone: the word "finally", the ":D" smilie and bertin are now banned from comments >_>  Also, honourable mentions must go to Antiporcupine, whose chronicles of suckage amused me no end, and ShadowJacky, who, because of an especially toxic fbomb from his childhood, can now eat a bar of soap without any ill effects.
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #644 on: October 20, 2008, 11:21:23 am »
RE: Top 10 Noobs
I remember cake! Good times. XD

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #645 on: October 20, 2008, 11:39:33 am »
any mention is better than no mention >_>

kinda eager to play Heroes some more to see what else I can come up with for comments.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #646 on: October 20, 2008, 04:22:16 pm »
***Minus bows
Hey, if I made you laugh, my job here is done.  Plus, I never thought I'd even make honorable mention in any of these.  Except perhaps the noobs ... but I'm not even good (bad?) enough for that.
And I think I can already tell what about half of the fads will be ... LandGrab, Mafia, Magic, the Pokemon Name Craze, and G-rated come to mind.
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #647 on: October 20, 2008, 07:02:26 pm »
Fads, huh?

STA was a big thing for a very short time...  some of the biggest names on the site mutilated said game in it's hightime...

I'm not really sure about those, but I do look forward to reading them!

Also: SM's quote is made out of pure win.
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #648 on: October 21, 2008, 12:36:09 am »
Trivia: inspired by the comment system of the Sonic Adventure World Rankings, I suggested comments. It was probably the fastest fulfilled feature request.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #649 on: October 22, 2008, 10:24:12 am »
You guys are failing more than RPG. Seriously.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #650 on: October 22, 2008, 01:03:32 pm »
zomg update

Okay so this has got sidelined a touch because both of us have other commitments (life outside TSC?  heresy!) and I also underestimated the time it would take to do stuff like trawl through every damned comment on the site >_>.  #5 is almost done and will be posted today, I've changed my mind about what #4 should be and will try to write and post it tonight as well.  #3, #2, and #1 will all be posted tomorrow for certain and are the best ones, promise :)
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #651 on: October 22, 2008, 04:25:01 pm »
So wait, you read ALL the comments?!?!  How does one go about doing that?!?!
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #652 on: October 22, 2008, 06:32:27 pm »
So wait, you read ALL the comments?!?!  How does one go about doing that?!?!

I don't think so... I would say they read "only" the last comment for each stat. They are crazy, anyway.

Doug, which was going to be the subject for the top ten #4 before you changed your mind?
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #653 on: October 22, 2008, 07:20:33 pm »
IIRC, it was going to be top ten fads ... they actually announced it awhile ago....
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #654 on: October 22, 2008, 07:24:30 pm »
IIRC, it was going to be top ten fads ... they actually announced it awhile ago....
That's #5 and coming shortly.  #4 was Top Ten Holy Shit Moments.
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #655 on: October 22, 2008, 08:24:24 pm »
Awww, that would've been a good one. :(  Though "The Rise of Dhaos" probably would have been on there....
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #656 on: October 22, 2008, 10:02:02 pm »
Awww, that would've been a good one. :(  Though "The Rise of Dhaos" probably would have been on there....
Me want to see the Holy Shit Moments.
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #657 on: October 24, 2008, 06:15:30 am »
 5. Top Ten Fads
In biochemistry, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is a redox cofactor involved in several important reactions in metabolism. stupid Wikipedia >_>
We at TSC have short attention spans and like magpies tend to jump at new, shiny things. This means we're receptive to all kinds of trends, with a new obsession every week!  Here, we chronicle the best (or at least most entertaining) of these for your delectation.
It should be noted that any resurrection of the mentioned fads as a result of this topic carries the same sentence as thread necromancy: a silver bullet to the heart heavy ridicule for all eternity.  This means you, RPG.

10. Magic The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering is the original modern trading card game.  I can't pretend to know too much about it, being far too cool and fashionable for it's nerdy ways, but SBW and RPG are now attempting to get a box league going for this, but have as yet run into a resounding "meh", for as we all know trying to organise TSCers is like trying to herd ill-tempered mutated cats with frickin' lazer beams attached to their heads!
Also SBW rocks your face with these two totally awesome TSC-flavoured cards:

9. Sonic DIY
Back in the days before TUSC got going, we got hold of Sonic DIY, a Sonic engine and level editor that sparked a spate of creativity, culminating in the level building competition that can be found here.  There we learned many things: Thorn rocks at more than just TAing, RPG has a climbing fetish, and eggFL fails at life.  But seriously , go to the topic, download the levels, and play them - without egg's failures, they're pretty pwn.  What RPG?  Hey, no need for threats, just ask for whatever you want nicely.  Unless it's raep, in which case asking nicely kinda defies the point.
Oh right, he wants y'all to go submit at TUSC.

8. Horrible Misfortune Game

The Horrible Misfortune Game stems from a time when committing graphic, wanton homicides with each other on the forum was very much the 'in' thing.  This particular incarnation was the brainchild of magnum12, a variation of Hangman wherein the person who solves the puzzle may gorge themselves with a cathartic (bloody) release on the last person to take a guess. It's a brilliant manifestation of our most rewarding impulse: to push a corkscrew into chum's eye, fish for the hyaloidic canal, gently twist the wrist, withdraw our corkscrews, and enjoy the tranquil 'floosh' of the eye as it's pushed out of the socket (I must remark that this is, pleasantly, not much unlike the sound of a hardboiled egg forced through a narrow glass jar) while a calming geyser of red and yellow, complimented nicely by friend's rhythmic spasms, brings the matter to a comforting, soulful warmth.
Unfortunately, we live in more "civilized" times. Due an unfortunate stigmatization yoked by dogmatic indolence, I've had to rent a storage locker there hasn't been a murder at TSC in weeks.

7. Uno
Uno is the gambling man's crack cocaine, and it rightfully occupied our attention for a few days. Some years ago, we found an Uno bot, bought some Cubans, and risked our futures on a pair of wdf's. A small group of dedicated players popularized the phenomenon, and soon a *slightly larger* group of dedicated players gambled away their time and dignity on the fraternity of disillusioned Sonic players, while we had to explain how you it was tilde-p-space-first letter of color-number with tilde-p-space-w for wilds (using tilde-color-first letter of color), tilde-p-space-wdf for wild draw fours (and you draw 6 cards if a player challenges you and you could have played another card instead), tilde-p-space-first letter of color-s for skips (incidentally, this was the first call of bs outside of its normal context), tilde-p-space-first letter of color-r for reverse, tilde-draw for draws, you have to type tilde-uno (card) when you're playing a card that will give you uno, or else you automatically draw four cards so everyone is free to laugh at you, and if you want to see card counts you just type tilde-players. Spinny, genus, Rolken, genus, Cherry, Mike, Sprint, genus, Mike, and more names were the original players, though owing a recent pseudo-revival more people than I care to list joined the fun. There were some classic games, and some unique strategies-while most players played to lose their cards in a game where you want to lose all your cards, genus and Sprint employed the brilliant strategy of getting as many cards as they could. If you're ever up for some can find the game logs yourself here. I'm not digging for those.

6. Online Risk
Started by Upth, who had an account on warfish, online risk Risk, but online. A game in which players wage endless world war in order to bring about World Peace by establishing the Utopian Republic Of Rolkenland...but online! There were some heated games on yon Warfish, but the fad more or less fizzled out until The_T (not to be confused with Mr T, who would rather pity than be the fool) introduced us to LandGrab, where there was a second reckoning. I personally enjoy the revival, since it's given me a chance to herald my glory throughout foreign lands and trick Sondow into losing every game.
Also this video must be watched by all Risk players - it ruined the game for me, so it must for the rest of you >:D

5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
This game was basically why everyone bought Nintendo Wiis, it was massively hyped. Even before release, TSC's near-constant speculation was a sort of fad. You can find some of the documented discussion here, but even those 127 replies through 3 months don't do justice to our specied interest in the topic. Around the time of Japan's release, someone talked to Rolken and told him to cap spoiler discussion; all Brawl antics were to be confined to #smashspoilers (which, evidently, is still a moderately populated channel), with any exceptions punishable by instant banhammer. Sondow and RPG defied fearless leader, so they were socked two.
Following its stateside release, there was -intense- online action with a fair share of ridiculous matches. For weeks, there was almost nonstop Brawling. We had some rather ridiculous matches: superjump only games, falcon punch showdowns, hammer competitions, and so on. Saving a replay of anything under 3 minutes, regardless of its quality, then sending it to everyone, was mandatory; otherwise TSC would, as a collective, have too much Wii memory. Since he was the coolest in the game, King DDD was unanimously elected the TSC character, and the earth shook with his battles. It was also decided that Bowser would become the joke character, and that anyone who played as him must Bowsercide every stock to prevent other players from having fun.
Soon, it was established that genus and ShadowJacky could clean everybody's clocks as the worst characters in the game while wearing blindfolds, fighting piranhas, and playing with snow mittens. Of course, as dictated by TSC custom most people moved on to another worthy activity, so their supremacy would go forever unchecked. For TSC, Brawl is effectively dead; while I attempted to restore the game with an awesome tournament, the lack of interest is a sufficiently compelling reason to not bother.

4. Pogeymans Forum Names
A while ago, it was . . . err . . . fashionable to change your TSC forum name to that of a pogeyman - for reasons I've never been able to understand. Particularly popular were boring flying pogeymans (RPG was Starly, Quartz was Taillow, ...).  You'd have thought they could have chosen legendaries as a symbol of their aspirations and personal uniqueness...but no, I guess not. They're bog standard, common, and about to get their arses handed to them by my Tyranitar.

Actually it was an epic swarm of Magnezones that ended the fad, try convincing the thing that lives in your basement otherwise.

3. Bertin the Bear

Oh, YES.

2. Mafia
The current, and best, chat fad is Mafia. The basic premise of the game is that the players are all villagers in an uncomfortably small village that has a number of mafioso. To further their criminal enterprises, these mafioso will kill a villager each night...for some reason.  In response, the villagers turn into an angry mob, and lynch whichever poor bugger the majority suspect is a Mafia member (making people offers that they "can't refuse" in a thick Italian accent and thinly veiled threats about "going against the family" are dead giveaways).  The village wins if all Mafia are lynched, and the Mafia win if they equal or outnumber the villagers at any point.  It's a game of deceit, mistrust ,and mob mentality, so it's only natural that TSCers have gravitated towards it. You can play a game and kill your least favorite members here.
Though interestingly, TSC was first introduced mafia over two years ago. This was a particularly interesting game, with the setup of one cop, six villagers, and two mafia. At Stefan's behest, we strung Douglas up on the lonely sycamore atop the austere hill of destiny; when I, as the cop, realized something wasn't quite right with Stefan, there were hour long conversations alleging mafiadom. ShadowJacky claimed that he was the cop, which he wasn't, and tight before the town lynched Stefan, the mafia fiend, he congratulated me on a job well done as his partner. After investigating ShadowJacky and concluding that was just a matter of SJ not really knowing what he was doing, genus valiantly led a charge against the *other* mafia fiend, Aitamen, on no real information. The topic itself reflected some of the chaos; there were secret messages everywhere, generally masked with the color tags (such as "I really vote for Stefan" above "I vote for Douglas"). It was a success, which is why it died out for so long. Stefan found a flash mafia program, and the rest is money.
With a game of Mafia, you can learn many things about people that you would otherwise never notice.  Firstly,  TSCers are all murderous bastards who can never be trusted. Some are so bloodthirsty that they can't even go a night without killing! Secondly, games with a disguiser in have shown that Stefan knows everything about everyone, and we should all make sure we lock our doors and close our curtains at night.  Thirdly, Douglas always wins still suffers from the delusion that he's actually good at stuff.  Finally, genus always knows what's going on and will lie to you just to play headgames for his own amusement is an honest and decent chap who can definitely be trusted and isn't toying with you at all.
Quote from: #soniccenter
<flyby> i am a mafiafag loud and proud

1. Phoenix Wright
The Phoenix Wright games involve the player becoming a lawyer to prosecute bad guys and defend innocents in an (albeit logically insane) court of law.  The Phoenix Wright fad involved TSCers becoming lawyers to use excessive number of pictures to back up the same old arguments we've always had on our (albeit logically insane) forums.  From PPA's furriness to RPG's inability to do work, PW became the accepted means of establishing truth and justice throughout TSC.  To give you an idea of just how far this stretched, there was in fact an occasion where Doug admitted he'd been out-argued - a truly momentous happening the like of which we're unlikely to ever see again.
Unfortunately, it transpired that the Court Of TSC was noting more than a sham when it emerged that the most prolific lawyers were in fact in control of the judge.  Groudon attempted to restore some order to the proceedings by assuming the mantle of an objective judge, but was eventually driven insane by the manic babbling of the TSC hoards, and was last seen attempting to hold the entire site in contempt of court (which really doesn't seem that unreasonable, if we're honest).  Doug then took it upon himself to end the fad by means of, although unfortunately it's shown signs of reappearing in recent times.  Srsly guys, for general sanity we must disbar RPG and PPA now!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 03:48:28 pm by douglas »
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #658 on: October 24, 2008, 06:16:25 am »
placeholder for #4 >_>

Also #3 is One Trick Ponies and #2 is Jacks of All Trades - I'll give you guys a little speculating time then stick em up.
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #659 on: October 24, 2008, 09:18:40 am »
The crowd wants more!
Did you not think I had a mind?


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